For Our Referring Physicians
Below is our online doctor referral form that will quickly help you refer a patient to our office. We will reach out to schedule a consultation with your patient on our next business day.
In addition to completing the form below, please fax the following medical records to our HIPAA Secure Fax: (855) 846-1768
For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Consultations, please fax:
1. Baseline Sleep Study With Diagnosis and Interpretation
2. A Signed Prescription/DME Order Containing:
- Description: Mandibular Advancement Device
- Quantity: 1
- Frequency: Nightly/While Sleeping
- Duration: Lifetime
- Please Note: Original Device or Replacement
- If for Replacement: Current Device Used and Reason for Replacement
3. Physician Chart Notes Including:
- Encounter Notes Prior to the Order of Baseline Sleep Study
- Discussion of Sleep Study Results and Treatment Recommendations
- Any Previously Tried/Failed/Contraindicated Therapy Attempts
- Patient’s Intolerance or Refusal of CPAP (including date and reasons if discontinued)
- Recommendation or referral for Oral appliance therapy
For Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Consultations, please fax:
1. History/Physician Chart Notes
2. Any Previously Tried and Failed Therapy Attempts
If you have any questions, please contact us at: (574) 475-7109
Fax Medical Records to HIPAA Secure Referral Fax: (855) 846-1768
In addition to completing the form below, please fax the following medical records to our HIPAA Secure Fax: (855) 846-1768
For Obstructive Sleep Apnea Consultations, please fax:
1. Baseline Sleep Study With Diagnosis and Interpretation
2. A Signed Prescription/DME Order Containing:
- Description: Mandibular Advancement Device
- Quantity: 1
- Frequency: Nightly/While Sleeping
- Duration: Lifetime
- Please Note: Original Device or Replacement
- If for Replacement: Current Device Used and Reason for Replacement
3. Physician Chart Notes Including:
- Encounter Notes Prior to the Order of Baseline Sleep Study
- Discussion of Sleep Study Results and Treatment Recommendations
- Any Previously Tried/Failed/Contraindicated Therapy Attempts
- Patient’s Intolerance or Refusal of CPAP (including date and reasons if discontinued)
- Recommendation or referral for Oral appliance therapy
For Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Consultations, please fax:
1. History/Physician Chart Notes
2. Any Previously Tried and Failed Therapy Attempts
If you have any questions, please contact us at: (574) 475-7109
Fax Medical Records to HIPAA Secure Referral Fax: (855) 846-1768