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Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders Library

Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders Library

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Building The Immune System During COVID-19

There are many components to our immune system, none more important than white and red blood cells that transport oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.

Could a Sleep Disorder be Causing your ADHD?

In the above excerpts from Today’s Parent, adults describe what it felt like to have ADHD as young children. Because it is their normal, it can be challenging for those with ADHD

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

At the cellular level, a low oxygen environment will cause normal cells to atrophy, or shrink. With cancer cells, it causes them to proliferate, or grow,” states Dr. Willey of the Illinois Institute of Dental Sleep Medicine.

Down Syndrome and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Many can relate to the frustration that comes from lack of sleep. Whether it’s your child struggling to go to sleep or stay asleep or it’s you who’s waking up not feeling rested, it can be taxing for all involved.

Step Back into the Daylight at Koala Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders By Alexander Germanis

When the morning breaks it brings with it all the hopes and potential of a new day. This is true, at least, for those who awake after a night of restful sleep or for whom the bright light of day does not trigger splitting headaches.

Why Staying Safe May Come Down to Sleep

As the end of summer approaches, many Americans will be packing up their cars for one last family vacation before school begins again and cooler temperatures return. While there are many elements that go into planning a successful road trip, one of the most important considerations is safety…

Women’s Health and Sleep

I feel sleepy as I write this article. It is hard for me to focus and like many women, when thoughts do not flow out as naturally as I think they should, I become irritated. We all know how important sleep is to our daily functioning…

Introduction to Sleep Basics

The importance of sleep to physical health has been a fundamental tenet of common medical knowledge for centuries. Sleep allows our bodies to relax, rejuvenate, and dream, permitting the mind to work on a subconscious level, solving problems and preparing for the coming day…

Introduction to Sleep Basics part 2

It seems as if the number of television commercials and radio advertisements promising a good night’s sleep are growing exponentially. Businesses tout their products to consumers 24 hours a day, seven days a week…

Treatment Options

Sleep Disordered Breathing, the obstruction of the airway when the body relaxes to fall asleep at night, is a frightening and widespread condition. It affects millions of men, women, and children…

Intro to Oral Appliances

Sleep Disordered Breathing is a condition marked by obstruction or collapse of the oral and/or nasal airway during sleep. Snoring is the first indication of a problem, and the most severe Sleep Disordered Breathing problems…

Airway Assessment

Do you snore? Do you wake up tired in the morning? Have trouble concentrating? Suffer from headaches or gastroesophageal reflux? Are you overweight, middle aged, menopausal? Do you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? Are you pregnant?…


My physician suggested I get something called an “overnight PSG” done to determine whether I am suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea…

Home Sleep Tests

What is an ambulatory sleep study? Can it be used to identify a Sleep Disordered Breathing problem?…

Multiple Risk Factors & Implications

Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) is a potentially fatal condition caused by airway obstruction occurring during sleep. It varies in severity from simple snoring (the indication of a problem) to Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome (UARS)…

Relating to Cardiovascular Disease

Sleep Disordered Breathing, i.e. snoring, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea, isn’t simply an annoying habit that causes excessive daytime tiredness and grumpy bed partners. On the contrary, Sleep Disordered Breathing can be a life-threatening health condition…

Implications for Women

Sleep Disordered Breathing—snoring, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome, and Obstructive Sleep Apnea—was previously thought to be a primarily male condition. The stereotypical overweight middle-aged male who snored was the subject on which all research was concentrated…

Implications for Men

Snoring is a sign of a Sleep Disordered Breathing problem. It occurs when the tissues in the oral airway relax and rub against one another, vibrating. A normal airway stays patent (it retains its muscle tone) when a person falls asleep…

Dreaming of a Good Night’s Sleep

“Looking back, I could see where my health was declining and my relationships were becoming strained, and I didn’t know why,” Gail explains. Gail was at a loss for understanding why she was feeling so overwhelmed. Her mood swings at home and at work were puzzling, and she’d lost joy in the things she had once loved to do…

Should My Child Repeat a Grade?

It happened again. Another semester is over, and Tyler’s parents open his report card only to see poor grades yet again. Each year families find themselves in this difficult situation and are left with the tough decision of whether or not to have their child repeat a grade. It’s a stressful decision for everyone involved…

Military, Veterans, PTSD and Sleep

Research in the field of sleep medicine has often looked at specific groups of people who are put in high-risk situations when they are sleep deprived. Two such groups are our active duty military and veterans. When these men and women suffer from sleep disorders, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the risks of accident, injury, even depression and anxiety increase…

Anxiety, Teeth Grinding and Sleep

For parents of young children, the dream of a good night’s sleep is often just that, a dream. But what happens when the years pass and your child’s sleep worsens? This unfortunate reality is one that many families are living through nightly. What should be a calm and peaceful sleep is instead fitful, interrupted and noisy…

The Bullier and the Bullied Life

It was a conversation no parents want to have. The school called with the news that their son was being bullied for being different and that he had tried to harm himself due to lack of friends since moving to the area. Fast forward. The kids at school watch in amazement as Jeke and his sister are greeted by a police-escorted entourage of motorcycles…

Baby on Time

From the moment the pregnancy test turns positive, a new mom is thinking of her baby. For first-time mothers, along with the excitement comes a host of questions and concerns. What should I eat? What shouldn’t I eat or drink? How important are my sleeping patterns? Which prenatal vitamins are the Top?…

Better Sleep, Better Grades

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that children ages five to twelve get ten to eleven hours of sleep a night. Teenagers need about nine hours, but studies suggest only 15% of them get the needed amount. “Sleep is a Powerful Medicine,” says Dr. Rod Willey, diplomate of the Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine….

The High Cost of Sleep Loss

Have you considered the actual cost of sleep loss? If we are not able to get the sleep we need, it not only impacts our health, but our homes and careers are dramatically affected, too. It is difficult to think clearly and to stay focused on our jobs and important family matters when we are lacking restorative sleep. Not only does our physical and mental health suffer….

5 Ways to Know Your Child is Ready for School

It’s just around the corner! A new school year. And a new school year means a new beginning. A variety of emotions fill students and parents as the long summer days come to an end. “The stakes have never been higher or more rewarding for those who recognize that “Sleep is a powerful medicine” says Dr. Rodney Willey, a diplomat in dental sleep medicine and the CEO of KoalaKIDZzz®….

Snap, Crackle, Pop Goes the Jaw

It’s been around forever. You can even finish the sentence. Snap, crackle, pop … Rice Krispies. Unfortunately, it’s more than Rice Krispies that goes snap, crackle, pop. It could also be your jaw. We often hear patients say that as they are chewing and talking, there’s been times they simply had to stop because their jaw is making so much noise….

WINNING Breathing, Bladders & the Sleep Connection

Sleep is absolutely essential for every individual. Whether you’re a working adult or a five-year-old child, you cannot do without sleep. Speaking of the former, pediatric sleep disorders are an actual phenomenon…

It’s Not All in Your Head

Do You Suffer from headaches, jaw pain, or ringing in the ears? These are all symptoms that can be caused by TMJ Disorder. At Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders, our experienced TMJ doctors can help you find relief…

Is It Really ADD or ADHD?

Asking the right questions can lead to insights that were previously unknown. Did you know that 25–50% of children diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) also have sleep-related problems? Michael Fulbright, DDS, states that sleep apnea is often a missed diagnosis in children who experience symptoms associated with ADHD…

Top Five Reasons for Migraines

Migraines are brutal headaches that affect 39 million children and adults in the United States and 1 billion worldwide. Migraine studies estimate that over 12% of U.S. adults suffer from migraines. Migraines and headaches have some distinguishing features. Let’s discuss migraines and their risk factors and explore a few of the most common causes of headaches….

Is Snoring Waking You Up?

A night of snoring with interrupted sleep can lead to daytime sleepiness, fatigue, drowsy driving, depression, and impaired cognitive skills. But is it really the snoring that’s waking you up? Perhaps it’s your sleeping partner’s elbow or a serious condition known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)…

Nightmares or Sweet Dreams?

Many of us have experienced a nightmare at some point in our lifetime. These are dreams that are perceived as being negative and may cause you to wake up and feel fearful or anxious. Nightmare occurrences involve intense dreaming and may create sadness, irritation, and other negative feelings. Nightmares among children are common and generally do not interfere drastically with sleep quality…

Children’s Allergies and Sleep Apnea

The Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) estimates that 50 million people in the United States experience allergies. Our immune systems attempt to react to substances that irritate the body by releasing histamines, which cause discomforts such as sneezing and watery eyes. Allergic rhinitis, which is the proper…

Allergic Rhinitis Connected to Sleep Apnea

With allergy season around the corner, many allergy sufferers will begin to notice their symptoms have sprung! Between allergic rhinitis and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) many are struggling to get the restorative sleep they need. The correlation between sleep quality interrupters is gaining a great deal of discussion in the medical and dental communities leading to recent research and new treatments….

How to Stop a Child from Snoring

Snoring may seem harmless, however, consistent snoring can be both a warning signal and cause negative effects in your child. In this post, we will help you understand if snoring is putting your child at risk by explaining its causes as well as some of its effects….

CPAP Alternative for Sleep Apnea

Our country is sleep-deprived – desperate for restful nights, to awaken easily, and be functional throughout the day without needing a nap. The anxiety and stress of our busy world certainly make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. But those dreams of being rested are even more….

Sleep Apnea & Heart Health

For most couples, sharing a bed is one of the great joys of a long-term relationship. Those moments of falling asleep and waking up together are a major source of intimacy. But for Tom and his partner, sharing a bed had become impossible due to his incessantly loud snoring and untreated sleep apnea…

The Importance of Sleep in Child Development

There is some variance in the exact timing of children’s growth patterns, but there is some level of predictability: your child should grow. But sometimes, because of different factors, your child won’t grow like they’re supposed to. That leads parents like you to wonder, “why is my child not growing?…

Veterans & Sleep Apnea

Research in the field of sleep medicine has often looked at specific groups of people who are put in high-risk situations when they are sleep deprived. We have all seen news headlines about trains derailing or semi trucks running off of the road due to drivers falling asleep…

Sleep & Weight Gain

As a new year begins, millions of Americans are resolved to lose weight and get in better shape. Weight loss goals continue to top the charts for New Years resolutions. However, despite the fact that 45% of Americans make resolutions for weight loss…

Is There Help Before Braces? by KoalaKIDZzz®

For most parents, braces seem to be the appropriate treatment option when their child has crooked teeth. But braces may not address all issues associated with growth and development…

Treatment of Pediatric Sleep Apnea with Oral Appliances

You have the pencils, the crayons, the new backpacks, and your child is outfitted with new clothes and shoes. Back-to-school is a busy and exciting time of year, for parents and children alike…

Is your Heart at Risk? Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cardiovascular Health

Each February, people across the country recognize American Heart Month. During this time, we are encouraged to pay attention to the risk factors for heart disease and make heart-healthy lifestyle changes. Because heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the American Heart Association…

Headaches: A TMJ Sleep Apnea Connection?

If you are one of the many people who suffer from headaches that haven’t responded to traditional treatments or medicines if you have all but given up on trying to find the solution you are not alone…

Waking up to Dental Sleep Medicine

People are waking up to Dental Sleep Medicine thanks to the efforts of the Dr. Rod Willey at the Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders …

Sleepy When Driving & Sleep Disorders

As the end of summer approaches, many Americans will be packing up their cars for one last family vacation before school begins again and cooler temperatures return…

New Year’s Resolutions

Each year, as the holidays wind down along with the endless stream of cookies, candies, pies and other sugary and fattening foods, many of us find ourselves resolving that this coming year will be the year in which we finally get control of our weight…

New Year’s Resolutions for Kids

According to statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) diagnoses in the United States has jumped by over 40 percent since the early 2000s. This jump brings the total number of American children with ADHD to around 6 million…

Sleep Apnea Treatment May Improve Diabetes

Every 23 seconds, someone in this country is diagnosed with diabetes. Let that sink in for a moment. It is a disease that has made a huge impact in the United States as nearly 30 million Americans have already been diagnosed and another 86 million have prediabetes and are at risk for developing the disease, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA)…

How Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Health

“I had suffered from daytime fatigue and snoring for years. I would struggle to stay awake at work, and sometimes I found myself falling asleep while driving as well,” says Doug, a patient at the Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders …

Allergies & Sleep Issues

Springtime. The birds are singing. The sun is shining. The neighbors are mowing their lawns. Sounds perfect, right? But for many, the change in seasons brings with it sneezing, runny noses, and watery eyes. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA)…

Sleep & Mental Health

Think about the last time you felt sleepy during the day. Did you find it harder to accomplish normal tasks? Did even ordinary problems overwhelm you more than usual? While it is common knowledge that lack of sleep can impact physical well-being, it also impacts mental health. In fact, a poor night’s sleep can leave you feeling negative…

National Sleep Awareness “In Search of a Better Night’s Sleep”

The return of Daylight Saving Time has many focused on sleep. While friends and coworkers bemoan their lost hour of rest, leading sleep advocacy groups seek to draw our attention to the larger issue at hand: Americans need not only more sleep but better sleep…

Sleep Deprivation & Workplace Safety

Americans are not getting enough sleep. Researchers across the medical community continue to emphasize this fact in their findings. Countless studies have linked inadequate sleep with serious health consequences, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…

Sleep Apnea and Women Ignorance is Not Bliss

For years Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) has generally been considered a men’s health issue…

Depression & Sleep Disorders

If you didn’t sleep well last night, you may find yourself irritable and grumpy today, but if you’re someone who has suffered from insomnia and disrupted sleep for months, years or decades, the compounded sleeplessness may take an even greater toll on your overall mood and mental health…

Sleep & Weight Loss Relationship

As the year comes to a close, millions of Americans will begin planning their New Year’s Resolutions. One goal at the top of many lists will no doubt be to lose weight. In fact, a 2014 Journal of Clinical Psychology study found weight loss to be the number one resolution this year…

Nat Geo “Sleepless in America”

This past Sunday, National Geographic Channel aired “Sleepless in America,” a new 2-hour documentary that explores the importance of sleep in an increasingly sleepless society. The program was produced through the combined efforts of National Geographic, The Public Good Projects and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)…

Struggling to Sleep During the Holidays?

While the holidays should be a time to celebrate with family and friends, they can often be stressful and exhausting, especially when you find yourself traveling, going to bed late, or having a house full of guests. If you are all too familiar with poor sleep and fatigue, that stress is only compounded…

Sleep Apnea & Diabetes Connection

Does the following sound familiar? You wake up each day feeling restless and groggy only to find that your blood sugar levels are out of control. You’re too tired to exercise and instead find yourself reaching for junk food to give you a quick burst of energy. If this has become your routine, you’re not alone…

Down Syndrome & Sleep Apnea Treatment

Many can relate to the frustration that comes from lack of sleep. Whether it’s your child struggling to go to sleep or stay asleep or it’s you who’s waking up not feeling rested, it can be taxing for all involved. However, if you are a parent or caretaker of someone with Down syndrome (DS), there may be more at stake than a good night’s sleep…

Does Sleep Apnea Increase Cholesterol?

Sleep is essential to your overall health. Your ability to stay alert and maintain energy for daily duties is directly affected by your quality of rest. If you’re not getting enough sleep or your quality of sleep is poor, you might be sleep-deprived. Although each person may require a different amount of sleep…

Oral Appliance Therapy for Snoring

Don had suffered from snoring and chronic fatigue for years. His snoring became so bad that it was interfering with his one of his favorite things to do…travel…

How to Deal with Snoring Partner

If you have a partner who snores it will come as no surprise to learn researchers say you’re losing sleep over it…

Shopping When Sleepy, A Recipe for Spending More

Smart shoppers know to avoid shopping for food on an empty stomach. It’s a recipe for coming home with high calorie food items, and likely spending more money than planned. But had you heard that you should also avoid shopping for food when sleepy…

As Seen on TV Snore Guard vs. Oral Appliance Therapy

You are probably familiar with the snore guards advertised on TV to decrease or stop snoring. You may be wondering what the difference is between these snore guards and the oral appliances provided by a dentist…

Sleep Apnea, Snoring Relief with Oral Appliance Therapy

Doug had suffered from daytime fatigue and snoring for years. “I would even struggle to stay awake at work,” says Doug. “There were times that I would find myself falling asleep while driving too.”…

TMJ Headache & Jaw Pain Treatment

If you have a headache, your first reaction may be the medicine cabinet for pain relief or a visit to the doctor. However, if the problem persists it might be something you should mention to your dentist as the cause may actually lie in your mouth…

35 Years with a Sleep Disorder & Finally Relief

Q: When did you discover you had a sleep problem?
Don: Thirty-five years ago I recognized that I had a sleep disorder…

Oral Sleep Appliances for Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Marcia had struggled with chronic daytime fatigue for years. “I would even fall asleep while driving on a long trip,” says Marcia. “When my daughter would visit she could hear my snoring from the other room and was worried about me…

Migraines Linked to Sleep Apnea & TMJ Disorder

If you are one of the many people who suffer from headaches that haven’t responded to traditional treatments or medicines if you have all but given up on trying to find the solution you are not alone…

Oral Appliance Sleep Apnea Treatment Changed My Life

Connie, a retired nurse, had struggled with daytime tiredness, morning headaches, irritability, and weight gain. “I had to push myself to do anything in the morning because I was always so tired,” she says…

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