Building The Immune System During COVID-19
Immunity Has Become an Important Topic Since the Start of the Covid-19 Pandemic. For More Information on How Sleep Can Boost Your Immunity, Please Call Us or Book an Appointment. We Serve Patients From All Over the USA. We Have Locations in Bloomington IL, Peoria – Dunlap IL, Mishawaka IN, Kansas City MO, El Paso TX, Wausau WI

Table of Contents:
How Sleep, Oxygen and Good Health Work Together to Build Your Immune System
Immune-Boosting and Safe Hygiene Practices
There are many components to our immune system, none more important than white and red blood cells that transport oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. The basics of immune operation are dependent on the health of the individual. With compromised health in our country, finding ways to build our immune system has never been so important.
Sleep is one of the three pillars of health alongside nutrition and exercise. Sleep could be an area of “greatest opportunity for improvement” in boosting your immune system. Sleep has the ability to directly impact daytime health and behavior, leading to more energy and to thinking more clearly about the food and health choices you make, choices that will have the greatest benefit to the immune system. The intake of oxygen during sleep and the body’s ability to expel carbon dioxide are also directly related to toxic load and illness.
Lack of restorative sleep induced by sleep apnea can lead to sleep deprivation, which weakens the immune system. Research shows that lack of sleep caused by sleep apnea reduces the number of T-cells in the body and suppresses immune system function, resulting in more frequent and intense colds and illness.
Oxygen is more important to our bodies than water or food. The lungs’ ability to exchange air, absorb oxygen into the bloodstream and at the cellular level, all while expelling carbon dioxide, is a vital operation to life. People who suffer from breathing difficulties don’t take this process for granted.
Sleep apnea is known to interfere with the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide. The buildup of toxins from carbon dioxide and oxygen desaturation leads to multiple short-term and long-term health complications. People with sleep apnea will have lower levels of oxygen in the blood. Sleep apnea is easily treated and should be your first line of defense against illness and disease. To learn more about how to treat a sleep disorder and build your immune system, please visit your nearest Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders.
Basic consistent hygiene is important to eliminate virus toxin exposure, which in essence is the reduction of repeated exposure and absorption of germs, illnesses and toxins. Being aware of toxic load and how to reduce it is important.
1) Personal Hygiene:
a) Keep hands washed and away from your face.
b) Keep hair clean, and or wear a hat, as airborne particles can filter through hair and be carried. Shower often, especially after being in public.
c) Sneeze into your arm, or a tissue, and wash hands. Carry tissues with you.
d) Do an elbow bump or foot bump rather than a fist bump or handshake.
e) Use gloves and masks when needed.
2) Social Distancing:
a) Helps to reduce exposure and risks of contagious illness.
b) If you have symptoms or have been exposed stay home.
c) Follow all guidelines of self quarantine, shelter in place for two weeks, or follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations.
d) Follow official recommendations and mandates.
e) When in public, maintain a 6’ distance from other people.
3) Nasal Hygiene: Doctors are recommending this practice.
a) Refrain from mouth breathing. Nasal breathing is best.
b) Nasal passages are designed to filter out germs. Nasal breathing also prevents germs from directly entering the lungs.
c) Soak a cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and swab inside of nasal passages. Use new swabs until clean and dry.
d) Using a new cotton swab, dip the swab in vaseline and coat the inside of the nasal passages to create a barrier to bacteria and prevent the nose from drying out, cracking and creating sores.
e) These practices will help reduce nasal bacteria, dry crusty nose and cracking, while discouraging nose touching and bacteria growth inside nose sores.
4) Sleep Hygiene:
a)Consistent bedtimes are important in working with your circadian rhythm, your biological day / night clock. Actually waking at the same time is most important, even weekends.
b) If you snore or stop breathing in your sleep, talk with a medical professional, get a sleep screening and seek treatment for optimal oxygen intake during sleep to prevent sleep deprivation that weakens the immune system. Dental Sleep Appliances are considered medical and are a good alternative for cpap intolerance, approved by the FDA in 2006.
c) Sleep in the dark. The slightest light emitted can go through eyelids and stimulate the brain. Sleep eye masks and darkening blinds are helpful, especially for shift workers.
d) Adult recommended sleep time is 7 – 9 hours. Good rule of thumb for kids; 10 year olds needs 10 hours of sleep, if younger more hours and older kids less than 10 generally.
e) Prepare for sleep like you prepare for working out or going on a diet. Discover how much sleep you personally need, by naturally waking. Then plan out a consistent sleep time. The use of essential oils such as Lavender, Vetiver, and Serenity are stress relievers and have been found to help induce deep restorative sleep

Additional Services You May Need
▸ KoalaKIDZzz®
▸ Sleep Apnea
▸ Snoring
▸ TMJ Disorder
▸ Fatigue
▸ Sleep Disorders
▸ Weight Loss
▸ CPAP Alternative
▸ Oral Appliances