35 Years with a Sleep Disorder & Finally Relief
Q: When did you discover you had a sleep problem?
Don: Thirty-five years ago I recognized that I had a sleep disorder. I didn’t realize the seriousness of the condition until much later though. I was tired all the time but had to push through because of work.
Q: What symptoms were you experiencing from Sleep Apnea?
Don: I snored a lot and it kept my wife up at night. We’ve been married for 48 years and she had to put up with my snoring for most of that time. I would wake up tired after a full night’s sleep and wonder why I could never feel rested.
Q: What treatments did you try for Sleep Apnea?
Don: After discovering I had Sleep Apnea, my physician suggested I try a surgery to fix the problem. In 1993 I had surgery to remove tissue from my tongue and throat to help the sleep apnea. It was an extremely difficult and painful surgery and it only worked for 1-2 years at most. My doctor then suggested I try the CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), which did work, but was an incredible inconvenience. I didn’t like wearing the CPAP and never could keep the mask on at night. I tried a number of different masks and none of them seemed to work and they were costing a lot of money. The noise of the CPAP machine was keeping my wife up at night too.
The CPAP was also a real hassle when it came to traveling. My job required me to travel overseas a lot, and when I would take my CPAP with me I would always get stopped by security. I knew there had to be something better for me.
Q: Why did you choose oral appliance therapy?
Don: I had read an article in a magazine on a dental device that treated snoring and sleep apnea and thought, “What do I have to lose?” It was my last ditch chance at decent sleep! My bride needed relief just as much as I did.
Q: What difference has oral appliance therapy made in your life?
Don: The first night I used the appliance I never dreamed that I would sleep so well! I slept the first night without snoring, gasping in the night for air, or smacks on the head from my wife trying to stop my snoring. It was absolutely marvelous!
The dental device has made a huge difference in my life. I have better health, more resilience, energy, and I think I play better golf too
My bride and I have been married for over 48 years. She put up with my apnea for most of that time. Our relationship is much better now that I no longer wear a CPAP at night or suffer from sleep apnea. The oral appliance is just fantastic!