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Sleep Terrors (Night Terrors) – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Sleep Terrors (Night Terrors) – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

The causes of night terrors can vary widely and may stem from several factors, including stress, sleep deprivation, and changes in sleep schedules. These episodes can also be triggered by fever, certain medications, and conditions such as restless leg syndrome or sleep-disordered breathing patterns like obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep terror treatment is available at the Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders. For more information, please contact us or book an appointment online now! We have convenient locations across the USA in Bloomington IL, Peoria/Dunlap IL, Mishawaka IN, Kansas City MO, El Paso TX, and Wausau WI. Visit us online for a listing of our locations and to learn more about our services!

Sleep Terrors (Night Terrors) - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment - Koala Centers For Sleep & TMJ Disorders in Bloomington IL, Peoria – Dunlap IL, Mishawaka IN, Kansas City MO, El Paso TX, and Wausau WI.
Sleep Terrors (Night Terrors) - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment - Koala Centers For Sleep & TMJ Disorders in Bloomington IL, Peoria – Dunlap IL, Mishawaka IN, Kansas City MO, El Paso TX, and Wausau WI.

Table of Contents:

What are night terrors?
What causes night terrors?
What are the symptoms of night terrors?
How do you help someone with night terrors?

What are night terrors?

Night terrors are a common and potentially disruptive sleep disorder that involves individuals abruptly awakening from sleep in a state of terror. These episodes are distinct from nightmares, mainly occurring in the first half of the night, while nightmares often occur during REM sleep in the early morning hours.

Although night terrors are more prevalent among children, adults can experience them as well. Unlike nightmares, where individuals may awaken feeling scared and recall the dream, night terrors typically leave the person with little to no memory of the episode, despite possibly awakening with screams or cries.

These events are a type of parasomnia, which encompasses unusual or abnormal behaviors during sleep, including sleepwalking and sleep talking. While often short-lived, lasting seconds to a few minutes, night terrors can occasionally extend for longer durations. Generally, they are not considered a cause for concern unless they persistently disrupt sleep, leading to daytime fatigue, or are symptomatic of other underlying sleep conditions.

What causes night terrors?

Factors exacerbating night terrors include excessive or close-to-bedtime alcohol consumption, which can alter sleep patterns and cause episodes. In children, night terrors are more common and tend to decrease with age. However, when occurring in adults or persisting beyond childhood, night terrors may indicate underlying physical or mental health conditions requiring further investigation. Ensuring adequate sleep and managing stress effectively are crucial to preventing night terrors.

What are the symptoms of night terrors?

Symptoms of night terrors vary but typically include episodes of sudden awakening with intense fear, often accompanied by crying, screaming, or shouting. Individuals experiencing a night terror may sit up in bed, appear scared, exhibit rapid breathing, flushed a face, and enlarged pupils, and may even kick, thrash, or get out of bed and run around.

Aggressive behavior can occur, especially if attempts are made to physically restrain the individual. It’s essential not to try to physically restrain someone during a night terror, as it can worsen the episode. Those experiencing night terrors often find it difficult to wake up and may be confused upon awakening, with little to no memory of the event.

The severity and frequency of night terrors can vary, with some individuals experiencing associated fatigue and symptoms indicative of sleep deprivation, affecting their overall physical and mental wellness.

How do you help someone with night terrors?

Helping someone with night terrors involves understanding the specific nature of their experiences, including the cause, severity, and frequency of the episodes, as well as any associated complications. For acute instances, especially in children, night terrors often resolve independently and may not require intervention.

However, more frequent or severe cases, particularly in adults, may necessitate consulting with sleep experts, such as those at the Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders. These experts can assist in identifying the root cause of night terrors and address any underlying health issues contributing to their onset.

Implementing health and lifestyle changes aimed at promoting good sleep hygiene is important. This includes maintaining a safe sleeping environment, using calming techniques to comfort the individual during an episode, and possibly waking the individual before the expected time of a night terror to disrupt and prevent the cycle.

Documenting sleep patterns and potential triggers in a sleep journal can also be helpful. Ultimately, managing sleep and stress effectively is key to minimizing the presentation, frequency, and severity of night terrors, with a tailored and comprehensive plan developed in consultation with healthcare providers at the Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders.

Sleep terror treatment is available at the Koala® Center For Sleep & TMJ Disorders.

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  • 6901 Helen of Troy, Ste D-2 El Paso, TX 79911
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  • 309 E. Empire St. Ste 500, Bloomington, IL 61704
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  • 11825 N. State Rt 40, Ste 100, Dunlap, IL 61525
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  • 230 E. Day Rd., Suite 150, Mishawaka, IN 46545
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  • 413 North 17th Avenue Ste. #100, Wausau, WI. 54401
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